
Jetpack is based in Southern California and is primarily musician Jetpack Dan or Daniel J. (real name: Dan J. Standiford) with Michael Kramer, who drums and sings and co-produces. Jetpack composes, records, and performs the guitar dominated instrumental music known as surf or surf rock, that was a music industry phenomenon of the early 1960s. Although it had retained a following, especially in Southern California, surf experienced a world-wide revival in the 1990s. Jetpack often mixes the traditionally accepted surf instruments, such as Fender guitars and tube amplifiers, with nontraditional instruments such as fretless bass and 12 string Rickenbacker guitars, and branches into other related subgenres of rock such as spy, noir, and rockabilly music. Live shows find the band usually dressed as FBI agents with I.D. badges and a secret service guard at the stage.